Corrugated Metal Roofing

Top Rated Metal Roofing services and metal roofs. Get high quality metal roof materials from the best companies around. Get tips and prices on installing metal roofing.

Corrugated Metal Roofing Materials

  • Steel is the most common metal roofing materials available. In comparison to aluminum, steel roofing is heavier and sturdier. Because of their durable coating and finish, steel roofs do not rust or corrode.
  • Stainless Steel: There is no fear of rust or corrosion in stainless steel. These metal roofing systems are usually available in Terne coating that gives them a natural matte-gray finish. However, it is a very expensive roofing solution and recommended for extremely harsh environments only.
  • Aluminum corrugated roofing is most commonly used on residential roofs. Even if they are not coated, they do not rust, but for better appearance, they are generally coated or painted. Aluminum roofing is extremely lightweight and relatively inexpensive as well. However, since aluminum is a precious resource, it is usually not recommended to use it for roofing purpose.
  • Copper metal roofing can be very expensive, but offers numerous features. For example, they do not easily rust or corrode. They are also very easy to install.
  • Alloy roofing systems are also a pricey solution. But are known for their durability, and strength.

Metal roofing can be installed without removing old roofing. Corrugated galvanized metal is steel that has been dipped or coated to prevent rusting. This is also called galvanizing. This will make the steel last longer and prevent it from corrosion. Any steel that has been exposed to the outside conditions are protected due to the galvanizing. Corrugated Metal Roofing with galvanization should last for a long time as long as it is not under constant extreme conditions, such as acidic rainfall. These roofing sheets can be purchased in a wide range of colors. Roofing sheet can also be applied right on top of old roofing. Corrugated metal sheets are very reasonable in cost. The curve sheets helps to bring a unique design to any structure. They are often used on businesses to bring a professional look and appeal.